Saturday, January 7, 2012

Do Liberals really want the U.S. to become a total socialistic society?

Well in name no, but in prractice yes. the liberals want us to follow the european style of government and society because they think it will help(which it wont). this means higher taxes, universal health care andmore programs for the poor ect... bottom line, yes the model of government and soceity proposed by the liberals is in practice is a borderline extreme form of socailism and a toatal socailist society. here is the problem with that,higher taxes on big buissness drives them away from the us market to cheaper areas like china, to keep them here we must give them low tax rates so they come back over and create more jobs by highering over here. what alot of liberals making over 250,000 dont understand is that wit a liberal as president, there taxes wont just go up 2% or such but at least 5% and i say alot higher. also universal health care does not work, it has been tryed and the out come is hafe rate care, doctors angry because the gov pays them less scine they have to cover the whole country, and finnaly, longer waits to get surgery/ operations and less acess to excellent specialists. while i dont opose helping the poor i think the ways it should be done are different from the ways most liberals think it should be done. i say drop univ health and give subsidized health care to the poor. on a related note, the liberals are blaming the credit crisis on free market which isnt fully true, while more regulation was needed, the government creations of fannie and freddie gave banks the oppertunity to buy tons of morgates with out having to look at them beacuse they could bundle them and sell them to fan and fred so thats the free market and the governments fault. second, the democratic and admittedly bushes push to get everyone a house also fuelled this, (note, i am a conservitive but i dont agree with bush on things at all). while the banks that fell fell because of fualty loans, allowed in part because of the free market, if we had let the free market run its course we would of aviod this mess. to wrap this up, this was a panik not a crisis and if we let free market go, we would of been fine. the liberal views are not what this country needs now, tomorrow or ten years from now, finnaly we do not need a socailistic society for all the reasons i just listed. i have no idea why they do not want to do all the things you said under Forget War:, but i do agree with what you said in Info Police but that shows that we need less government involsion. I hope that answeres your question

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